Emotions in
Human-Machine Communication
On October 2nd, the NefCA Human-Machine Communication Working Group is hosting a special satellite workshop Emotions in Human-Machine Communication event at Tilburg University. This workshop will occur before the official Emotions conference (also at Tilburg University) which starts on October 4th.
The Emotions in Human-Machine Communication workshop will be an afternoon event, from 1300 - 1700 (concluding with drinks). The event will contain 2 keynote speakers (prof. dr. Elly Konijn and Marieke Wieringa), a poster session, and a discussion round. Registration is free for all and we are actively looking for attendees to present their work during the poster session.
The goal of the event is to discuss the role of emotion in human-machine communication, both in terms of the Big Picture, but also how it is represented and measured and what its role is in social human-machine interaction. We are therefore interested in empirical research, as well as review and research proposals. Please note that we only have open slots for the poster session! There is no opportunity to give a short talk.
Topics of interest may include, but are not limited to:
- Social robots that display emotions
- Emotional language in conversational agents
- Sentiment analysis in human-machine communication
- Measuring human emotions in human-machine communication
- Human-machine emotion recognition
- Computational models of emotion
- Robot emotions and moral considerations
- Ethics of emotions in human-machine communication
- Applications of emotional machines
- And many others!
If you are interested in presenting your work during the poster session, feel free to submit a short abstract outlining your contribution. There is no official word limit, but please keep it to ~500 words.
September 4th: Deadline abstract submission
September 11th: Deadline extension
September 18th: Contact accepted presenters
September 25th: Deadline registration